Having no special need for analogue drum machine (or more complex stand-alone drum machine at all), I am perhaps target audience for the Impact. It has it's weaknesses, but overall, I am quite impressed and inspired.
- Great live playability and sequencer
- Classic, but also personal sound
- Well scaled tuning of pitch knob ranges
- Self sufficient sound palette for jamming
- Arturia's modern thought out possibilities - and I hope with firmware can be done even more
- Price
- Irritating kick drum initial thump noise. For some beats it's good, for other, you need i.e. external filter to "shut it down". It's better to have it, with relatively easy, but not ideal way to suppress it (it also affects the rest of the wave and volume of it..), than to not have it and trying to create it somehow, but it's such dominant attribute of the sound, that not being able to control it in the box is nearly deal breaker
- Quite strong initial click in FM drum - not deal breaker, it will be masked in other sounds, but considerably limits its usability.
- Short (and shorter) envelopes for Toms.
Some suggestions for Arturia, if it's possible to change it in firmware? (or for analogue hackers):
- computer config, or another layer of "color" (or hack) for addressing Cons, give switch to more experimental pitch ranges to Toms, even more, near infinite max.release length for Snares (and even for the Kick), independent scales per track...