You pay around 700€ for 12 voices of analog synthesis. That is definitely not much, but unfortunately the quality matches the price.
Sounds okay, but I would take two standard saw/square oscillators over the weird tone mod. It has its own uses, but no thanks. I play live music in a standard band, and I was mainly looking for some flexible vintage sound to help the simple Nord Stage 3 synth. Instead the whole thing is just flimsier. (I know. Big price difference, but still a bigger difference than I expected).
The effects are great but configuring them is quite hard, even on the editor app. I also cannot seem to find a manual for the app, anywhere. There are some obvious seeming features missing, like being able to move an effect from one slot to another, but instead you need to re-select an effect for every slot and adjust them to be the same... (At least I could not find a way to move effects)