I was struck by the quality of this item, having higher priced instruments, I was expecting this to be somewhat weak, and while having a few build imperfections, for this price, I must say I am very pleased to have purchased this. The sound is fresh and organic, and is easily mixed in multi instrument compositions.
A true "must have" for beginners and professionals who are lookimg for a practice instrument at a good price.
After using it for a few months now I can also refer to it's durability, once I dropped a guitar case on it, and it made only a tiny scratch in the finish, no dents at all!
Another good thing I noticed was that some of my recordings with it came out cleaner and richer sounding in both live and studio situations, this is due to, I think, the lack of sound projection you could find in higher priced pieces, wich in my opinion makes the Thinwhistle microphone friendly. You realise that when comparing recordings, thia instrument can be played closee to the microphone, allowing you to capture more organic overtones and also eliminating unwanted reverberation while the notes themselves are more defined and transitions become smoother in the end product because you don't really have to digitally edit it too much, unless of course you want to.
Truly a great buy!