The vca per se does not comes, as for veil or other vca, with one of the most accurate volume control ever. Is not a mixer though. Opposite to other vca though the cvs make so much interesting shaping the sound, considering as well that other than being also an lfo It have knobs to set more precisely the typology of evolution of the sound, from exponential to logarithmic. Patching itself would make It a perfect exemple of the complete also voice It can be, especially of setted properly with a pinch of deelay and distorsion. Also if the effect would be guitar pedal they would be able to make a complete ethnic melody with kick and hat. Now i am Just and only thinking out loud. Though considering the module itself It can become also an arpeggiator (about this point i am not sure). For sure with phase control the possibility of controlling the volume though still remain and they are super fitting, so the two channels don't cancel out each other nor attenuating completely their incoming signal. If you exoect a mixer avoid this and go on a Veil or so. If you look for a vca though this Is perfect as for rhythms and melodies, as well as lfo and attenuverter, plus Indeed Is wisely setted also as a stand alone double vco