The first thing I did when I got this item was to check it really was true bypass. I.E. does it need power in the bypass condition. No it does not. Great. I am fed up with op amps labelled as true bypass which my ears tell me is not. This is true bypass. OK so now to does it do what is says on the packet? Yes. In fact I might go a little further. I am crap at playing 12 string, and I hate the faff of tuning. SO I never bother with a real 12 string of any sort when playing out, I am not good enough to play one out to an audience. Now I get the 12 string sound, with clean chords and don't have to change guitar mid gig. Digitech have nailed it with this one. Someone who popped around to our studio, another musician said he could not tell the difference to his ears. Maybe if we had swapped my Guitar for a tuned uo a 12 string we might, but then all 12 strings sound different. Digitech are happy to warrant this for four years and I like the range of mix and tones it offers. We could hear no glitching, which to be honest we were expecting to need to play around, so one more thing not to have to worry about. The power adaptor was supplied with both European and US troucs for the travellers amongst us, shame there wasn't a UK/HongKong one in there as well! Overall very impressed, and it has already claimed it's place on my very limited board. (Tuner is the only other item, we use the other space for transporting things like leads etc to gigs.
I might even try it on acoustic!