My 1st module ever (along with an LFO, VCO and VCA) - so cheap it really is the definition of a no-brainer!
Not a fan of filters in general so I (stupidly) sold it - when Doepfer announced the SE ones I missed it so much I bought two!
The Wasp filter has its own personality, one I quite like. It is not a smooth creamy Moog style filter. This guy can punch you in the face, puke in your pocket, run off with your girlfriend but STILL come back at the end of the night and share his burger with you as he calls you a taxi to make sure you get home safely!
Your either going to love it or hate it - who am I kidding your going to love it! Nasty, spitty, buzzy little Sméagol!
Don't overlook the BP out - I initially thought of it as a LP filter and missed much of its rough-edge charm!
Pros - stupidly cheap! Noisy, cranky, angry... unique in a brilliant way!
Cons - (this hasn't happened to me but it is a known thing) Because of the way the filter is designed it puts a lot of strain on the 14-pin 4069 IC - these can and will blow. They wont do any damage, are socketted and really cheap to replace. Just buy a bunch at Mouser/Farnell and your good to go! Think of them as consumable like guitar strings and everything is fine!
I don't know how to recommend the Wasp filter higher than saying after selling mine I missed it so much I bought two more - they are so cheap you need two!