Whenever I show this to friends, they are more often than not taken aback by the apparent complexity of the thing, however, do not be deceived. The amount of knobs is simply due to the fact that there are 2 channels (duplicated top row of knobs) and then L & R amp & cab sims (duplicated bottom row of knobs), so in essence you will more often than not be using only half the knobs at any given moment.
Of course, it's still quite an impressive amount of options, and on the sides there are a dozen further features and bypass options, but everything is appropriately labelled so it's very easy to know what you are doing. The construction feels solid.
It is simply amazing how much stuff they managed to cram into this small box. I was spending forever trying to find a nice small amp and loadbox and cabsim to handle it all in a small apartment, but thanks to this marvel of engineering I can sell all of that and just use this alone to get my tones. And thanks to the 3 different pre amp options, 3 different power amp tube options, 3 different cabs and the Resonance and Presence knobs, this thing has tone for DAYS.
If you have a small apartment, this is a godsend.