Yes this beast is very very sweet and savoury indeed. I was expecting it to have more dynamics in the lower volume levels whilst mainting its sensitivity, so if you like playing loud even when you don't, it's hard to explain, the sample doesn't track very well with soft picking, that's why I only set the "handeling" as 3 stars.
Otherwise the Mellow Tone setting is the best!! as well and the LedZep sound too, the others all resemble, well eachother quite alot, with the diffence being a click , tone and modulation setting which alternates between settings, still I love it on my board because it's great to sound like boss when rehearsing with new people, But go with caution!
Also this thing likes you play upper triads or diodes not big block chords or note bends, it sounds all screwy, it places lower octaves and 5ths all over the place so let it do the bass notes for you.
Place this before your reverb/mods and after gain stages/tuner for best results!