This is my first Fuzz pedal and at first I thought there was something wrong with the pedal but then I discovered that at low volumes the pedal sounds horrible you really have to play it loud to let it shine. I plugged it in into my DSL1CR in front of the amp and it sounded horrible,I've tried effects loop and it was still the same then I've had an eureka moment and went from 0.1 watt setting to full 1 watt and the wall of fuzz smacked me in my face and I was a happy camper. These things are fiddly,you have to fiddle with settings both on the amp and the pedal to get the best results,what I do is I crank it all to eleven on the pedal and control the volume on the guitar as I like insanely fuzzed out sounds and it serves me well when I want to play some stoner stuff like HoF etc. You can go from slightly fuzzed sound to insanely fuzzed out,it's all there if you want it. It's small,well built,has great fuzz sounds and I'd recommend it no doubt.