That's it, I'm an EMG guy now. I've combined this with EMG P and 3 band EMG preamp with variable mids and the results are just mind blowing.
P pickup and MM pickup don't work well together in most cases as afaik some interference with P being a series pickup and MM being a parallel. With my harley benton enhanced P bass whenever I've set both pickups to 100% I got a huge volume drop and thin, weak sound.
Now it's either that EMG P and MM are wired in the same way or it's the buffer in the preamps onboard the pickups but there is not interference or volume drop. In fact, P + MM sounds HUGE. You get both sounds combined.
However, EMG P is ceramic pickup while MMTW is ceramic steel and it's a bit more "tamed" and less bright pickup. Raising it did help even out the sound, and boosting the treble on the EQ did also manage do even it even more.
Split to J pickup it sounds like a J should but with extra width: more, wider bass, more highs and somehow they seem wider.
what more is there to say, it's dead quiet both in MM or J mode, it sounds superb, it sits in a mix like a champ and the string pull is almost 0 so you can raise it all the way up without interfering string vibrations, as with previous MM pickups if raised too high I'd get this strange sound that is almost like a combination of phaser, pitch shift and overdrive