For this price, this is an awesome guitar, I play it in Drop G for now. With a 0.80 string on Top. It just feels so great. I would extremely recommend it for low tuning, heavy music. From B Standard to drop G, I would not recommend going lower.
And it just looks so sexy... the finish...and the shape of the guitar are great. *_*
It has this "fast" neck, witch means, that the backside of the neck is not painted with bright enamel, or varnish, it's actually satin too, which allows you to slide very fast up and down the neck.
Adding to this, the playability is a dream, the thin U neck is very comfortable.
Quality for this price is great, I own a ec-401 for 4 years now, I played it a lot, and it's still doing a great work.
Finally the sound is just kicking ass.