I sold my Ibanez S520 to get this, and spoiler alert, I am very pleased with my purchase. I hoped for more in terms of color. It's not that see through as depicted on the product page. And even though I am very rigid and demanding in terms of quality and did find some inconsistencies in the surface of the lacquer, these were tolerable and barely noticeable even for me. Just worth noting that my Ibanez was absolutely perfect from every angle up close. Everything else and I mean everything, looked and felt perfect to the touch. But when plugged in, man, this thing sounds huge and crisp, it's a whole other animal. It's definitely more than twice the guitar I sold. It's a big step up in the upper entry level guitars, hard to find anything even slightly better for this price. It has exactly and everything I wished for in a guitar and I'm falling for its aggressive and refined purple body, more and more!