I use this with a HSS guitar, it can replicate the classic XXS, XSS, XSX, HSX and HXX setups, but of course you can make the HXS or other combinations, too.
I used this for two setups, one was a traditional HSS wiring and for the second I played with the combinations of the single pickups. Worked great in both cases, for the first I used 2 circuits and for the second I used all 4 circuits. Both setups worked great.
It can switch 4 independent circuits. ABCDE to F, GHIJK to L, MNOPQ to R and STUVW to X. It's got a thick metal housing, the switch is quiet.
The only negative point is related to the thick metal housing, you can't really solder anything on the housing itself (I've got a 25W thick iron, still it struggles with this). I'd add thin, easily solderable terminals to connect the housing to shield. It'd result in much tidier wiring. My workaround was to unscrew one of the screws that hold the PCB and just wind a shield wire around it and screw back, It does the job, but then you'd need to add some insulating tape behind, not to short the rest of the wiring, eh. Since the metal case is insulated from the circuit, you have floating big chunk of metal half-enclosure around the signals you want to switch, not a very good idea. Bottom line: I would've wanted dedicated, easy solder shield terminals for this kind of money.
All in all, if you're looking for an update compared to a traditional 5 way switch, this is a good candidate, just bear in mind you'd probably need to use the PCB screws for shield connection.