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You want to sing some praise or give us feed­back?

Perfect! We thrive on what you have to say!

We all like positive feedback and constructive criticism is so important for us to improve our service standards! :-)

Every one of your stories and experiences reminds us that we are dealing with individual people, and not big customer accounts on a screen. Help us to keep things this way ;-D

So why not tell us what you think of our gear, or how we can make your online shopping experience even better! Simply ping a quick email to

Or you can rate Thomann and its service, or leave your feedback on Facebook, Google+, Trustpilot, etc.

You can find a list of the various online portals here:

If you have a problem with an order, or an employee of Thomann, or you feel you have just not been treated properly, then please contact our International Sales Manager immediately ( ). They will do everything possible to turn your frown upside down :-)

This is how you can reach us