The good sides first: This thing is wonderful, I can get all the sounds I could want from it from thick and heavy heavy riffs to thin and ringing Tele sounds. It's easy and fun to play and it's light enough not to be a burden on the shoulders, even from a longer set. And on top of this all, it's a really, really beautiful guitar.
The bad sides: the finishing quality of this thing was not good to be honest. On the outside it looked just as it was supposed to but certain details were not in place. Instead of returning it, I wanted to keep it and I took it to a shop.
1) the neck was not even, it was noticeably thicker in the middle than near the saddle or the body.
2) the fine tuning was out of place and with a little inspection, the saddle was just too high to keep the whole neck in tune.
Both 1 and 2 were able to be fixed but this of course made the guitar more expensive and with a 900€ guitar, it's not really something you expect to see.
So yes, I do recommend it but if you get one, check out the details and ask for another one if they are out of place. I found online that people had gotten great quality individuals as well as these what I got so it seems to be dependent on who finished it at the factory.