A beautiful uke, with construction similar to the Fluke/Flea ukes of the USA. All plastic, including the neck, except for the soundboard and headstock veneer. Sound is clear and reasonably loud. All good, except...
...for the assembly. The action was very high. The neck angle and bridge height ensure that optimal action would be impossible to achieve easily. Decent string height is only possible with the saddle shaved down flush with the bridge. And even then, intonation was still sharp as you play up the neck. The only solution on the Flight uke I got, aside from trying to disassemble the whole thing and putting back together correctly, was to discard the saddle altogether, shave the area of the bridge in front of the saddle slot for clearance, and slightly modify the string slots so that the rear of the saddle slot is effectively the saddle. Pretty hack-y, but not worth spending money to return or get a pro repair tech to try to fix. Does play and sound excellent now, but this was a level of repair one would expect from a wall hanger, not a player. FWIW, Flight Ukulele is based on Slovenia, but the instrument itself is manufactured in PRC. These ukes seem to have a decent reputation, but beware, you may get a fixer upper like the one I got.