This a good seat that's easy to put together - it's only necessary to fit the backrest and no special tools are needed. It may be a bit of a faff to transport to gigs as it'll probably be a good idea to dismantle the backrest and find a bag to carry it, but that's no big deal. The seat itself and the backrest are decently padded and the frame is well made and stable. I'd like to see a retaining strap for the bass neck so there's no risk of it bass falling out of the frame when it's used as a stand. The cradle for the body of the bass or guitar is foam padded and flips out from the frame and it doesn't interfere with the foot-rest bar when stowed.
All in all a good quality product and I'm looking forward to using it when gigs kick off again later this year.
Pros: well made, good padding, stability, versatile, not too heavy.
Cons: transport in 2 pieces, no neck retaining strap, needs a bag for safe transport.