I bought this gigbag to safely transport my Ibanez RG-870 around.
The bag is very good quality, stiff and the material inside feels very good. I'm sure that my guitar is safe in the bag.
However, there is one annoying feature in the bag if you are carrying the gig bag as a back pack - as I normally do.
The zipper sliders are very loud. And by default they are relatively close to your ear when you close the zippers. So whenever you are walking, you hear lot of loud clinging sound from the zipper sliders as they are hitting each other.
One can circuimvent the problem a bit by putting the zipper slider head inside the zipper once zipper is closed, but I think that that should not be the case in a product in this price range.
Obviously, if you are not carrying the bag in your back, this won't become a problem.
Overall, I'm satisfied with the product, I'm just a bit surprised that the people at Gator have not carried the bag while walking or biking.