I bought these to save time setting up and tearing down.
I would compare these to locking tuners on guitar. They save you lot's of time overall because you don't need to screw and unscrew wingnuts a million times. You just press down on them, turn the top, put your cymbal on, then repeat. If you are a gigging musician, these are a God send. Never again will you drop wingnuts that will get lost to oblivion.
They are just great quality of life upgrades. Especially if you have a very short amount of time during changeover at a gig to have everything set up.
It's worth mentioning, just make sure that your stand uses 8mm threading or else these won't fit.
The ONLY downside to these that some people consider them to expensive for what they are. That's why I gave them 4 out of 5 stars. But for me personally. The quality of life upgrade and the time saved, they are worth it. Even my band mates who know and care nothing for drums enjoy the simplicity of them.
Overall, as with everything Gibraltar make, they are solid and reliable. And use them on all of my stands/booms and will use them on any future stands/booms.