This is one of those instruments that just have it all - great sound, great feel, versatile in every situation and fair price.
I had 14x6.5 version of the snare, which was great but my instict told me that smaller version could be even better for clubs and smaller venues.
I was right!
It can pull off all tunings, from fat balads snare to cracking tight fusinon sounds.
It's a steel snare, so some kind of muffling is needed. I have ambasador coated on it, and small moongel pad - works like a charm.
It's biggest strength is - sitting in the mix. It's just right there where you need it. Sound guys will love you.
Make sure you have a decend bag/case for it. This is something you will have for years.
Definitelly worth having, I don't see myself changing it anytime soon.