It is a pretty weird guitar. Mine came in HEAVY, but other than that it is a pretty neat instrument in itself.
Couple of lightly sharp frets, and the pickup seems to be busted. Luckily, I never needed one, but buyer beware.
What saves the picture for me, is that it's a very pronounced and loud acoustic guitar in itself. It SCREAMS. Not particularly fully in terms of frequencies, but it SCREAMS nevertheless, which comes very useful as a accompanying instrument in some applications where you wouldn't wanna use something small or expensive.
The acoustic sound in itself isn't "resonatory", like, at all. A little bit of metallic overtones, and that's it. Just a very loud, heavy and fun acoustic.
Despite everything, the acoustic sound isn't too bad, and for the price, I kept it even with the busted pickup.
It is a good enough fit for unplugged-style activities also (i.e. Ovations and such).