The box itself does the job perfectly. No noise, isolated outputs, and my pedals sound great! It's smaller than some of my pedals, which I love. The LEDs are not too bright, which I also love. Looks good too!
My only complaints are the other stuff that comes with it. The 60cm long DC cables are far too long for my needs and are too thick. I think both connectors should be right-angled, the straight one just wastes space. That said, the outputs on the box are very close together and right-angled jacks are a tight fit. I will be making my own cables. The 12V power supply cable needs to be longer and is worryingly thin.
Overall, it's a good package at a great price. If you have high-gain distortion pedals mixed with digital effects, this will get rid of the unpleasant noise digital noise.
I'm sending mine back to exchange for a larger version with more outputs. I realise that best results are when all my digital pedals are on their own output and with only 5 on this unit I've left myself no room for expansion.