this has good quality sturdy plugs on it, that don't look like they're going to break at any time. which is good. as if I ever needed to re-solder I'm not sure how I'd get into them as they're a very compact design, hopefully since they're on my pedalboard, nothing bad will happen to them.
The cable is nice and flat-ish in profile, and very flexible, sometimes it feels *too* flexible, like cheap and nasty leads can feel, but this is a bit thicker, with a nice feel to the cable. I'm not sure this would survive being thrown in a bag and going from gig to gig day after day, but as mine is on the pedalboard which never goes anywhere, I think these should last for ages. so from a value for money point of view, I really can't complain.
Very good for pedalboards where there might not be a lot of space for a bulky plug, or bulky cable.