So, I've waited to review this amp for several reasons; firstly, the amp Thomann initially sent me was faulty, there was an awful electrical crackle and hum coming from the amp, essentially, it wasn't safe.
Contacted Thomann who then agreed to replace the faulty item.
*Several* weeks later, I received a replacement, no electrical issues this time, however there are two huge cracks running all the way from the top and bottom of the speaker baffle to where the speakers are mounted on the baffle board.
After experiencing the hassle of returning the last one, I decided to hot glue the cracks myself, which should hold it, (hopefully).
Quite disappointed all in all, the amp has a good sound and having an effects loop is great, but I have no confidence or trust in this amp whatsoever. I will never gig with it for sure, which kind of defeats the purpose of owning one in my opinion.
Make sure you check the QC yourself, because the guy being paid to do it, clearly isn't. 😕