I now have two of these - one for use at home and a second which lives in my kit bag for rehearsals and gigs.
They are absolutely brilliant - solid, stable, well made and easy to use. The drawstring bag which comes with the stand is very handy if like me you want to carry it around.
The folding mechanism is completely intuitive, and the size when collapsed is very compact. The weight is enough to make the stand stable, without being a burden to carry around. It looks good, and in particular isn't an eyesore when positioned in the home.
I feel completely relaxed when my guitar is on the stand in the rehearsal room, at home or on a stage. Of course if someone really whacks the headstock it would fall over, but for minor bumps it seems completely rock solid.
I don't have any nitro-finished guitars, so I can't comment on whether the surface of the stand may react with that type of finish. (I have heard this can be an issue with some types of rubber / foam padding but as I say can't comment on whether this applies in this case).
In short, I don't have any bad things to say about this stand. The only reason I would consider replacing it would be to accommodate yet more guitars ... !