I have to break with majority opinion here - this box is the VW Golf of acoustic amps, it can be loud and aggressive, but it's not for everyone and certainly not for me. It worked relatively OK with LR Baggs preamp (although still not half as loud as I'd expect from a 400 W beast) but was a total disaster with K&K Mini Western, I nearly lost hearing adjusting the notch button to cancel piercing noise and various little hums. Lot of adjustment drowned the natural voicing, too. I immediately plugged the guitars back to my Marshall acoustic amp which at half the price performed surprisingly much better. Maybe less natural, but handled the piezo with ease. I guess this can work well with Taylor type guitars with equipped with good preamps, for church setting, small gigs etc but I found it disappointing and absolutely despised the cheap volume buttons that made plastic Marshall knobs look expensive and compromised the overall wooden, otherwise natural look of the thing. Return.