This is pretty much a standard padded carry-bag for a ukulele, but a rather good one. Overall it's quite handsome in appearance, and that reflects its general quality. It has a very presentable smart black finish and is trimmed very neatly with some quality in the detail. Zippers operate smoothly and fobs are attached with short cords for easier handling. The front of the bag has a usefully-sized pocket for various necessities (e.g. spare strings, picks, tuner etc). The back has a single adjustable webbing shoulder strap running its length.
The bag is very well-padded and indeed this has made it a little bit tight when used at first but I expect it to 'relax' and to adjust to fit the instrument snugly over time. (For your info, I keep a Brunswick concert ukulele in it.)
Overall, a robust, functional good-looker.
Usual good price and prompt delivery from Thomann, of course.