Pro Bass player who does a bunch of other stuff, as required for nearly 30 yrs.
I had a home made cab I picked up super cheap and replaced the speaker in it with this to go with a Hughes & Kettner Tubemeiester 20.
This has been used in VERY loud metal & rock situations live, a lot of recordings and it's a great speaker.
Projects well, nice full tones across the whole frequency range, you can really get pretty much anything you want from it.
I'm not trying to teach grandma to suck eggs, but for those of you who don't know -....
Bass - Get a good big gap between your amp's RMS output (NOT PEAK, that is a con-trick of a number) to what your speakers can handle, unless you are going for ragged distorted sound exclusively.
Guitar - Get as close as you can to your amp's output with your speaker. Drive the f**k out of them, use low wattage amps as much as possible. This does not apply to really clean tones however, for those follow what you do with a bass speaker.
This speaker has been used alongside 100w amps & quad cabs and trumps them because it has been matched and driven properly.
Volume- wise, on stage they are fine for small to medium sized stages (pubs to ?1000 capacity venues). After that, IEM's & good monitors will see you right.
To get the sound to a crowd on it's own it could do any Pub/Small venue without any difficulty at all.
Using a low wattage amp means you can drive your power tubes as well and then into speakers that can only just manage = great tone.
I picked this up in 2020 for £34 and now in 2023 it's going for £67!
That is a big jump and not in line with other gear, but I don't know why this is.