I?ve download new profiles, for mesa triple rectifier and it?s f...ing awesome, loud, good bass for death metal and jaxzz, with a good cabinet with v30 or similar, it?s awesome, so clean without noise if your instrument is in good condition, but with old guitarrs with the noise gate you?ll forget the noise, and the best, only one pushh to achieve your amp, cabinet, effects, gain, volumen, etc, and with the behringer FCB1010 u can set a wha wha, a volumen pedal and a whammy....
f....ing awesome, yes, it?s spensive, but u have all in one and with the best cuality, good delaies, good reberbs, and remember, just one click to change your sound adding affects and , changing volumen for solos, and one click to came back to clean sound without effeects and less volumen to your rithm sound