The volca bass is one of the few volcas that survived my studio re-organisations throughout the years. And that's mainly because it's so versatile and has plenty of character in its sound.
Don't be fooled by the name "Bass" and that it has a lot of similarities with 303-type of synths. I used the volca bass more often as a lead sound in my tracks than as a bass synth, simply because it sounds really nice in the higher ranges. Layering it with other sounds works pretty well, too! Don't worry, I used it for bass sounds too and it does that just fine.
One thing that I find a bit of a letdown is that the Bass sometimes has a wonky phase when working with multiple oscillators. Because of this phase, it sometimes cancels out the bass frequencies for a brief moment, which might be annoying if you're doing a one-take recording.
Other than that, it's a great little box and is one of the volcas to probably not leave the studio anytime soon for its versatility and possibilities!