The history of the company Mackie Designs goes back to the year 1988, when Greg Mackie laid the foundations for the company. The head office is in Woodinville (USA). The number of employees is 290 (status 2010).
Currently we have 125 Mackie products 108 of them directly available in our Treppendorf warehouse (and of course they can be tested as well in our shop) . Thomann has been selling Mackie products since 1994.
Mackie products are a must have ... Every hundredth Thomann customer has bought at least one Mackie product at Thomann.
We put effort also into providing detailed information for our customers about Mackie products. Only for Mackie products you will currently find the following 1213 product pictures, 68 detailed 360 views, 2412 user reviews and 90 test reports from magazines (in various languages).
In our current top seller lists you will find a total of 13 Mackie top sellers, among others in the following categories Analogue Mixing Desks, Analogue mixers, Battery Powered Speaker Systems, Headphone Amps, Multitrack Compact Studios and Digital Mixers.
The current top seller is the following product Mackie Thump Go. An absolute hit is the following product Mackie ProFX12v3 - we have sold this item over 1.000 times already.
The manufacturer grants a 2 year(s) warranty on its products, but with our 3-Year Thomann Warranty we offer you one year more.
Mackie products belong to the most visited ones on our website. Most recently over 650.000 product pages of Mackie have been hit per month.
Famous musicians who use Mackie are INXS, AC/DC, Vernon Reid, Johnny Tech, Linkin Park, Roger Waters and Liam Howlett amongst others.
We also offer our 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee for Mackie products, a 3-year warranty, and many additional services such as qualified product specialists, an on-site service department and much more.
You can find more information about the manufacturer on