This bag has done exactly what I wanted it to do. It keeps my Cajon protected whilst stored at home, from knocks and dents, as well as when on the road, travelling to gigs. The wood of Cajons is easily dented, especially by items being chucked about such as MIDI cables, 3/4'' Jacks etc.
The pocket on the front of the bag is incredibly useful, and it can fit a lot in there! I use it for predominantly other percussion items such as egg shakers and a tambourine, however I have also carried an A4 folder with lyrics in, which fits in there fine.
The velcro on the handle of my bag started to become un-stitched, hence the 4 star review, however this was easily fixed with a couple of stitches. I do think that it may have been my fault though, due to excessive use! Great item,I would recommend.