This is above all quite a cheap bag, and everything about it should be considered in this light. It is relatively small, or maybe better said thin, so don't count on taking a lot of sticks with you. It will probably hold 4- 5 pairs no trouble - I fit my mallets, brushes, hot rods and two pairs inside it. There is not much room for anything else, even though there's an outside pocket, because it is very narrow. There is no lining to the bag, but than you don't actually need any. The all round zipper is very good quality. The strings for floor tom attachment are tied to plastic rings that are sewn in on the inside of the bag, and do their job quite nicely. There is no shoulder strap but only a handle for carrying the bag. Since the bag is relatively small this is not a problem.
Considering the price this is a great stick bag. The price is unbelievably low and although it is not top quality it will work just fine for most recreational players.