This bag is probably a little bigger than you were expecting, and a little heavier!
I was surprised when this was delivered by courier, it came in a box almost as bit as my new drum kit did last week (Alesis DM10) and although it wasn't as heavy as that - it wasn't light.
This is a very solid piece of kit. I can see it outliving the drum kit itself and probably the one after that too! It's also pretty long and you will want to think carefully about how much stuff you want to load it up with. I can see how it would be tempting to cram everything into the one case - but then you won't be able to move it.
For my part, I will be loading it with 4 tom pads, one snare pad, the bass drum pad, the high hat pedal, the stool top and bottom, and all of my leads and headphones. Everything else stays on the rack anyway - expect for my DW double pedal which have it's own case.
This is any excellent case and at this cost is truly amazing value for money. I now find myself wishing that there were more cases in the Millenium range that I could invest in :-)