I bought this for two purposes: one, to have a simple compact kit in my recording studio, and two, for my son who is starting drum lessons. For the lessons it is absolutely fine. For the studio, I will make use of it but I feel a similarly sized set from a different brand would have been a better choice - although for sure much more expensive too.
Value for money, it definitely is. A complete little kit which can really be played, no criticism there. But when I compare this to the Thomann house brand guitars on offer, I think there is quite some room for improvement here. The guitars are amazing value for money, and in case of the electrics you can with some upgrade of electronics get a pretty good sounding instrument. Not so sure that goes for these drums, for a start, the kettles are not properly round, neither are the hoops, and so they don't exactly fit. It sort of works but has it's problems. I think it should be possible to get this a bit better. Of course the connecting hardware is not top quality, but in general adequate, if one doesn't change it too often - although nothing is really tight when tightened. I have seen others comment on the kick drum pedal, luckily I had a slightly better one from Millenium, which, if you ask me, they should include in the set. Something similar for the Hihat stand, it's working but the angle of the pedal can not be changed and is definitely a bit steep and awkward. The drums themselves, the kick actually sounds ok to me, I like 18 inch a lot, it is the best size for use in the studio and this one doesn't disappoint. The toms are ok too, the snare so far doesn't get along with me, there is a boxy quality to the sound no matter how I tune it. Time to try some other skins. The cymbals.. are ok for a beginner but sound quite cheap. Nevertheless I'm glad they are included.
So, not to sound too negative - it's a great little set for a very low price, but one should have realistic expectations. I will for sure try all kinds of things to improve the sound and playability, and we'll see how it goes.