I am a member of a newly formed band. We are slowly accumulating the pieces of equipment required for stage performances. Our first few gigs were hampered by increased stage volume with feedback and inability to hear the vocals on stage. On stage monitors made the problem worse. Good wireless monitors are too expensive.
Enter Thomann’s Millennium HPA headphone amplifier. It works really well, mixes the individual instrumentalist’s sound with the main mix easily, helps to reduce onstage noise by doing away with on stage monitors and reducing instrumentalists on-stage volume. Even with ordinary headphones it improves sound clarity, tremendously. It is comparatively inexpensive. We tried other headphone amplifiers but when comparing price and quality, Thomann’s Millennium HPA is easily the best. It is robust, can be transported around to gigs with no damage, can be mounted on stands and links up very easily to the mixer with XLRs. The power adapter for the UK and power source are also excellent. We now have four units, one each for our instrumentalists who do not move around on stage, with a signal splitter from Thomann as the source.
Strongly recommended for this purpose.