Before buying this I did a lot of research, checked out many hand drums and for the features (sounds, number of pads (4 Mesh!!), number of built-in kits and user kits, dedicated hand drum facility (which can be used on any kit), configurability, sample facility, built-in speakers which are decent and good for small jam sessions of acoustic gigs, and ability to plug into an amp to get a BIG sound, mounting on standard snare stand, and well,'s beauty!) I kept coming back to this - I couldn't believe it had all that for a fraction of the price of other with less pads and features! I should have known with Millenium products you get a lot of bang for your buck! I got the MPS 750X (with extension) a couple of years back, and it blew me out of the water (it did with seasoned anti- e kits drummers too). So, when I saw the quality of the MD-100 and played around with it it really wasn't too much of a surprise. For me, the only negative with the MD-100 are the foot pedals. A bit of a let down (the reason for a 4 star on playability), apart from it would feel better with a drum kit style pedal, with the kick drum, there's no subtly like ghost notes; but once you get used to it, the hi-hat works very well and the kick does a pretty good job. All in all, it's well worth the money, great for jamming, practice and even gigs when you don't want to lug around a full size kit.