I think the key feature of this effect is the infinite reverb switch which basically holds a sample of the reverb tails and sustains it for however long you want. The second key feature is that the bypass switch doesn't turn off the tails, so you can let the tails gradually fade out. From the 14 reverb types, which are all good, the ones I like the best are Shimmer and Dream. The Shimmer is pretty good, but not as good as some other more expensive shimmer reverbs. The artifacts can be heard in the high frequencies, so if you turn up the high cut, it sounds very nice. If you're doing ambiental stuff I would recommend adding an additional reverb in the chain, and setting them to different decay times. And the best thing of all is that it's a stereo reverb with stereo inputs, but it can also take a mono input and turn it into stereo. Excellent value for the money. Definitely pair it with a good delay, chorus and another reverb.