I’m very happy with the Moog Grandmother. It has a very unique, high-end sound that the cheap imitators like Behringer just can’t achieve. Yes, I’m 100% a brand loyalist, but there’s an honour (and sense of pride) in paying more for good instruments & equipment. I’m very grateful that I had the financial opportunity & ability to purchase the Grandmother and the Sound Studio 3 over the last 12 months. I’m not a wealthy person by any means, but there were a couple of isolated times over the last 12 months where the chances came my way to start building my little studio. I’ve just ordered the Moog Mavis to this collection, and it’s en route to me as we speak, and hopefully it will add nicely to my burgeoning Moog synth family. Anyway, I have barely scratched the experimental surface of what the GM is capable of, but its own creative power and connectivity with other devices will definitely keep this a very important pillar of my synth Mount Rushmore. Maybe, I’ll also be able to buy a Matriarch and Sub25 in the next few years.