I've played a couple of stomp boxes in the past. The last one I had was just awful, an unpleasant and unrealistic sound with no life or sensitivity. After reading and watching videos about various other similar products on the market I started to feel hopeless: most of them don't seem to qualify to the simple task they are designed to do. Apparently it's surprisingly hard to replicate a good stomp sound with realistic warmth and depth in it!
This device, however, does exactly that. The sound is just spot on. Moreover, it's very simple to use, looks pleasant and feels like it's built solid. It's bigger than most other candidates in this category, but not disturbingly to me, and I believe the footprint also contributes to the big, natural sound. It really needs a proper PA to sound full, though. I tried running it through a (smallish) guitar amplifier and the sound was underwhelming. But PA makes it thump like a beast. With volume control and EQ:ing you can tweak it from a nice, modestly mic'd floor-tap all the way to a bassy boom. Shoe material makes a big difference to the sound, too.
I'm still not sure how much use I'll find for the jingle feature: often I feel like I'd like to hear a tambourine-type sound altering with the bass drum, not combined. But you can adjust the amount of cymbal sound you get all the way down to a small "click", so they might turn out to be usable after experimenting. It's a nice extra feature to have, anyway.
It sure is more expensive than most stomp boxes, and might seem like a lot of money for a very simple sound. But after testing it live, I feel like it can really take a performance to a new level. Also, the cheaper options have turned out absolutely unusable for me. This one delivers.