Bought it out of curiosity. The frequency response is quite pleasing, for my voice I just need to dip a little bit of 2k, other than that it is quite balanced and natural sounding plus it feels solid
It's perfect for my voice but your results will vary (male vocals with a low register)
I won't be able to review how well the pickup pattern is in a live situation as of yet but I've managed to get it pretty loud with my monitors at home (for testing purposes) it seems pretty tight and hopefully in a few months I'll be able to crank it
Mainly bought for messing about with recording in my (untreated) bedroom, the SM7b is out of my budget/skill level
I've used the SM58, e845 and e945, and their wireless equivalents quite regularly; I really dislike the 58, and sometimes the sennheisers can be quite bright for some vocals, I still think if I had the choice again I'd go for the V7 compared to these for my own use as it matches my voice quite well
Haven't had the chance to try it on others yet but I'm sure the results will be great