I come from a Prophet REV2 (8-voice), which I liked very much, but the OB-6 is simply on a different level. The REV2 featured warm, analog signal but a quite cold and digital interface with an OLED tiny screen, which is fine if one is searching for a very versatile and capable production tool. But for playing live and experimenting, well... the OB-6 'feels' like a real analog instrument also in the user interface and playability. Less knobs, less voices, less modulation possibilities, good old digits for programs (no silly names) but what a SOUND! The tone feels full, musical and creamy in every configuration/modulation. Amazing filter. Great factory programs. Great design, great size. In one word: a great synth. If you are looking for a definitive instrument, go for this one or the Prophet 6... or both! Mine arrived with a slightly scratched black key (probably it came out of the factory like that). It doesn't bother me much since it's only visible when looking very closely, but I wish Sequential were a bit more careful for a top-class instrument in this price range. Apart from this, totally perfect service from Thomann, quick delivery!