I both two of these to replace my bulky roll led scanners. I had popular brand 50 watt barrel mirror roll scanners and I must say these are bright! I looked into lens and can guess thath this unit uses american top brand 5x5 led chip. Easy to replace in future.
Pros: unit is light, good build quality, responsive, matte touch finish, good light output and nice set of colors and gobos.
Cons: Could be more quite on fans, loud in small room.
This unit will do good in small weddings, parties and small pub/club setups. Auto mode is no good if used off-wall. Need to have some control over this unit.
Tested night time outdors - no problem under some street lights for about 20/30 meter squere.
Tests inside: no problem with some ambient living room light. Starts to loose brightnes under 4x full on 8 watt RGB leds.