Being an R&D guy at heart, I bought these because I wanted to test them, altering them to use on toms and floor toms. I wanted to move away from the moongel thing, because it is not as repeatable and not as "clean" as this method can be (if altered and used properly). In my bass drum, I use the Sonitus Acoustics The Kicker III. Quite satisfied with it, so wasn't interested in trying these out in the bass drum. But my modified versions work like a charm for the floor toms and rack toms. Freely vibrating shells with reduced overtones and slightly reduced sustain, but the whole dampening system is now.. ahm... well... tunable. So I bought a few more for further modifications. To be honest, the price is waaay too much for what they are (see the "Total" number of stars), but the clamps are quite useful for me, and right now, I have some dumpable cash. I have not used the foams at all, selling them, so I'll get some of the money back. If you don't have the skills for modifying them, don't buy them, there are a lot of cheaper and just as good options out there. But the clamps were great for me, so I bit the bullet so to speak.