Now, this isn't the "perfect" pedal, but has served me well for 2 years and I still have no problems with it. It's not super expensive, it has alot of features and it's a great pedal all around.
If (when) I were to buy new pedals, I would still stick with Tama Speedcobra honestly. They just feel great. However, they released a new series in 2016, and I would go with the Tama Speedcobra HP910LWN. Maybe even their new 2019 pedal, The Dyna-Sync Direct Drive.
I wouldn't go for these again, but they were my first set of double pedals and I've learned ALOT on them, and the quality is definitely great for it's price.
You wouldn't regret buying this, and if you're on a low budget but don't want the best high end stuff yet, this is indeed what you definitely want. If you don't mind spending a couple extra bucks, go for the more expensive series from Tama.