If you're buying these to save a buck prepare for frustration. I have about a dozen of these routed behind cabinets in my studio, and several times I have had a core "go out" on me. Most of the time this can be fixed by wiggling the appropriate jack, but its a pain to debug. The actual wires in these snakes are very thin, and while one hasn't fully broken on my yet I have several "wackelkontacts" (lose connections) Additionally these cables are very heavy which I think worsens the problem, as the cable is often puilling on the jacks.
Other problems I have had include poorly fitted color keys, that snap or fall off.
In a studio environment I recommend taking the time build your own cables from plugs and snake cable that both can be bought for a similar price and will give a better result.
In a live environment, bite the bullet and buy branded cables. Your show costs to much to risk on crap cables.