Its a sturdy made gear. Metal case, nice antenna for a transmitter. But receiver's antenna looks very flimsy. I think it will not last long in case of hard use.
In set it has a extension wire to connect it to some big antenna.
It has 2 metal holders and a set of screws - but there is no instruction how to fix the transmitter to a wall, which can be really handy in case of lack of space. Screws do not fit any holes in transmitter. Transmitter has 4 holes in sides - but they do not fit to holes in holders - so really a mystery how to attach one to another and all to a wall.
I can't switch channels on receiver. Maybe I do something wrong, but this device looks simple, so i can't imaging what I do wrong. But my receiver stick to the 1st channel. I don't need more though, but if you need - it can be a problem with this device.
Earplugs are great. Soft and nicely fit my ears.
Sound is "ssshhhh" a bit like on a bad radio. But its not for a mastering, eh? I can easily hear music playing and practicing my guitar simultaneously - this is what I bought it for. But do not buy it for some precise music tasks or even for listening your favourite music without wires. But it will totally do the trick on a gig when you need to monitor whats going on.