This is an upgrade from one of the cheaper bags I've had for years (which sadly has seen too much wear and tear and had to be retired). I was actually going to buy the cheaper one again, but they were out of stock. However, I'm glad I bought this one instead:
The padding is at least twice as thick as my older bag. There are two linings inside creating three 'compartments'. The zips seem larger and sturdier. The handle strapping is sewed onto the bag all the way from top to bottom to distribute the weight better.
The circular pouch on the outside could hold accessories, or your hi-hats or splashes (the previous bag had a semi-circle shaped pouch that cymbals wouldn't fit into).
It's just a stronger design of bag overall, and looks great. I'm still expecting the metal clasps on the shoulder strap to break at some point (because they always do in the end), but the hand-strap will be fine for a long time.
If there was one thing to add to it that I don't think I've seen on any bag, is some rubber on the bottom side, so you can put the bag down on a rain or snow soaked road surface while you're packing your van at 3am.