I bought this with the intention of using it live as a multi-effects pedal and DI box. it's very sturdy and easy to use. the sounds were a little dissapointing though.
The chorus effect is fine, nothing fancy but it's oke.
The octave effect is unusable. it doesn't sound good and there are some weird sounds due to certain octave notes randomly dissapearing and reappearing, kind of like a stutter.
The bass amp section is actually rather nice.
The equalisation isn't very effective but I'm very happy with the gain function. It sounds good specially when used just a little bit.
The enveloppe filter is cool, nothing to complain about here but I personally just don't use it.
The boost/compressor section is what I use the most often. works well, it is what it should be.
The tuner is good, accurate, easy to use. I love that it mutes the sound when you activate it. Having an option to mute your sound is in my opinion one of the most practical things in live situations.
Overall I'm a little dissapointed with some of the sounds in this pedal. I use it currently mostly as a DI box and to tune or mute my bass when I'm playing live and in church, but some of the effects are definately decent enough to use in certain situations...