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#324 Manufacturer Ranking
85 products

About Yellowtec

Available from us since 2012
Items in stock 70
Ø Availability 90.66% (1 Year)

From a total of 85 Yellowtec products 63 are directly available . We've had Yellowtec products in our range since 2012.

At the moment you can find a total of 1040 media, tests and reviews on Yellowtec products - among them the following 755 product pictures, 41 detailed 360 views, 12 demo sounds and 232 user reviews.

At the moment you will find Yellowtec top sellers in the following product categories Reporter Microphones and Mounts for Monitors and Displays.

Our current first choice is the following product Yellowtec iXm Pro Cardioid. The absolute hit amongst Yellowtec products is the following item Yellowtec MiKA Bushing, YT3211. More than 1.000 pieces have been bought from us already.

Yellowtec products are rated particularly well by our customers! With an average of 4.9 out of five stars, Yellowtec scores significantly higher than most other brands.

We also offer our 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee for Yellowtec products, a 3-year warranty, and many additional services such as qualified product specialists, an on-site service department and much more.

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